Message from C&MD for the WorldGarden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE) Ltd is in the process of expanding its global presence in keeping with the Government of India's policy of 'Make in India - Make for World'. With our expertise in building state-of-the-art warships for the Indian Navy and Indian Coast Guard, we are now aggressively pursuing business opportunities for naval platforms in friendly foreign countries. Warships built by GRSE have already been exported to friendly foreign nations. At the same time, GRSE is keen to bag international orders for commercial platforms. Our performance in the recent past has established our efficiency and acumen in handling orders for complex commercial platforms for foreign countries. In days to come, GRSE shall also emerge a leader in the field of green platforms and meet global requirements. GRSE Corporate Film CMD Speaks
GRSEhasdevelopedin-housecapabilitiestodesign&buildmostmodernwarshipsinthecountry.Presentlytheshipyardisbuilding03P17AAdvancedFrigates,03SurveyVessels(Large),08Anti-SubmarineWarfareShallowWaterCrafts,04Next GenerationOffshore PatrolVessels,03PatrolBoatsforBangladeshGovt.,01Next GenerationElectric FerryforGovt. of West Bengal,01Advanced DredgerforBangladesh,04Multi Purpose VesselsforCarsten Rehder Schiffsmakler and Reederei GmbH & Co.KG, Germany,01Advanced Ocean Going TugforBangladesh Navy,01Ocean Research VesselforNational Centre for Polar & Ocean Research (NCPOR).TakingtheGovernment'sMakeinIndiaInitiativeforward,theASWCorvettesandLCUsdeliveredbyGRSEoverthelastfewyears,hadanindigenouscontentofover90%,amajorsteptowardsachievingself-relianceinstateoftheartwarshipdesignandconstruction.GRSEtargetstocontinueitseffortsonindigenizationproportionsofover90%inallitsshipsslatedforfuturedelivery.TheEngineeringDivisionofGRSEhasdevelopedcapabilitiestodesignandmanufactureEngineeringEquipment/ItemswiththeLaunchof"Firstofitskind"PortableAssaultBridge,DoubleLaneBridgeinstalledinFlaghill,Dokalam,Sikkim.TheDeckMachineryunithasalsodeveloped"Rail-lessHelicopterTraversingSystem"incollaborationwithM/sMTS,UK,forinstallationonwarships.GRSEhasachieved72%indigenouscontentandisaprimesupplierofRail-lessHelicopterTraversingSystemtoIndianNavyandIndianCoastGuard.......
Students of Little Steps School, Kolkata, visit GRSE on 03 Sep 24
GRSE, a proud partner of NHIDCL, signs MoU for Supply of Double Lane Modular Bridges on 29 Aug 24
Director (Personnel), GRSE, DIG Subrato Ghosh, ICG (Retd.), as a special guest during the semi-annual review meeting and award distribution ceremony of Narakas (Undertaking), Kolkata on 28 Aug 24
GRSE receives Certificate of Appreciation for CII SHE Awards 2023-24 at CII 18th Safety Symposium & Exposition, ITC Sonar, Kolkata on 23 Aug 24
GRSE celebrates Independence Day on 15 Aug 24
Celebration of 'Har Ghar Tiranga' & 'Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam' at IICP on 15 Aug 24