Total public members: 23
Method of Appointment: Appointed by Mayor
Residency: Strong preference for DC residents from all 8 wards
Paid board: No (all roles are voluntary)
Description: The JJAG shall:
a) Serve as the advisory board for the JGA, as required by section 233(a)(3) of the Act
b) Participate in the development and review of the District's three-year juvenile justice plan, as required by section 233(a)(3) or the Act;
c) Participate in the review of, and advise JGA, on juvenile justice and delinquency prevention grant applications submitted to the JGA;
d) Advise the Mayor and JGA on problems which concern
1. The identification and analysis of the service needs of youth involved, or at-risk of becoming involved, in the juvenile justice system in the District of Columbia, and
2. Program and policy recommendations for addressing these needs;
e) Assist in the development of operating standards for all juvenile detention/correction facilities, group homes, and foster care homes and programs used in the juvenile justice system;
f) Assist in monitoring all juvenile detention/correction facilities and community- based programs to ensure compliance with the Act;
g) Review, in partnership with JGA, the progress and accomplishments of public and private sector juvenile justice and delinquency prevention programs funded under the District's juvenile justice plan;
h) Undertake studies for review or comment on special public or private juvenile research studies that impact upon District youth or juvenile services;
i) Submit a proposed budget for the use of JJAG funds to JGA by October 1 of each year. If a budget is not received, then JGA will have full discretion on the use of the funds;
j) Undertake other duties as assigned; and
k) Submit to the Mayor and the Council of the District of Columbia, an annual report that provides recommendations regarding compliance with the core requirements and with progress related to Formula Grant programs and challenge activities pursuant to Parts D and E of the Act.
Qualifications: a. The Mayor shall appoint not less than 15 and not more than 33 members to the JJAG, including a Chairperson. Members shall be private individuals, representatives of non-government organizations, or representatives of appropriate agencies of government who have training, experience, special knowledge, or a demonstrated interest in the preventions and treatment of juvenile delinquency, the needs of neglected and dependent children, or the administration of juvenile justice.