Total public member: 7
Method of Appointment: Appointed by Mayor
Length of Appointment: 2 years
Residency: Strong preference for DC residents from all 8 wards
Paid board: No (all roles are voluntary)
Description: The Board shall establish minimum application and appointment criteria for the Metropolitan Police Department that include the following:
(1) That an applicant be a citizen of the United States at the time of application;
(2) Age limits;
(3) Height and weight guidelines;
(4) Physical fitness and health standards;
(5) Psychological fitness and health standards;
(6) The completion of a criminal background investigation;
(7) The consideration to be placed on an applicant's participation in court-ordered community supervision or probation for any criminal offense at any time from application through appointment;
(8) The consideration to be placed on an applicant's criminal history, including juvenile records; (9) The completion of a background investigation;
(10) Military discharge classification information; and
(11) Information on prior service with the Metropolitan Police Department.
The Board shall also review and make recommendations to the Chief of POlice, the Mayor, and the Council, regarding:
(1) The Metropolitan Police Department's tuition assistance program;
(2) The optimal probationary period for new members of the Metropolitan Police Department pursuant to subsection (q) of this section;
(3) The issue of creating separate career tracks for patrol and investigations;
(4) Minimum standards for continued level of physical fitness for sworn members of the Metropolitan Police Department; and
(5) The Metropolitan Police Department Reserve Corps program's training and standards.
Qualifications: Membership on the Board shall consist of the following 11 persons who shall be voting members:
(1) The Mayor or the Mayor's designee;
(2) Chief of Police, Metropolitan Police Department or the Chief of Police's designee;
(3) Corporation Counsel for the District of Columbia or the Corporation Counsel's designee;
(4) United States Attorney for the District of Columbia or the United States Attorney's designee;
(5) Assistant Director in Charge, Washington Field Office, Federal Bureau of Investigation or the Assistant Director's designee;
(6) Representative of the District of Columbia Superior Court appOinted by the Mayor in consultation with the Chief Judge of the Superior Court;
(7) One criminal justice educator appointed by the Mayor;
(8) One police representative appointed by the certified collective bargaining agent, and one police representative appointed by the Mayor in consultation with the Chief of Police.
(9) Two community representatives appointed by the Mayor.