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The Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, welcomes applications for the 2025–2027 Beinecke Postdoctoral Fellowship.
Applications are due October 15, 2024, by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
The Beinecke Postdoctoral Fellowship is a two-year, residential appointment that supports research and writing for publication.
In their first year, the postdoctoral fellow designs and directs an intensive weeklong seminar for the Center's predoctoral fellows in residence, focusing on a topic related to the postdoctoral fellow's field of interest and with a special emphasis on methodological issues.
In the second year, the postdoctoral fellow teaches a course at a neighboring university.
Postdoctoral fellows receive an office in the National Gallery's East Building as well as housing, subject to availability.
They have access to the notable resources of the National Gallery, including its library and art collection, as well as those of greater Washington.
Fellows participate in lectures, colloquia, and discussions with the Center's vibrant community of scholars.
Fields of study: Beinecke Postdoctoral Fellowships support research in the history, theory, and criticism of the visual arts of any period or geographical area.
We especially encourage applications that contribute to scholarship in historically marginalized fields.
Qualifications: Postdoctoral fellows must have received a PhD within the last five years (October 15, 2019–October 15, 2024). Individuals may not apply for other Center fellowships while an application is pending or once a fellowship has been awarded. Individuals currently affiliated with the National Gallery are not eligible for postdoctoral fellowships. Postdoctoral fellows may apply for a senior or visiting senior fellowship five years after the completion of their fellowship. Selection: Postdoctoral fellowships are awarded without regard to age or nationality. Applications are reviewed by an external selection committee composed of scholars in the history of art and related disciplines. Outside readers may assist in the evaluation of proposals. Postdoctoral fellowships may not be postponed or renewed. Stipend and housing: The Beinecke Postdoctoral Fellow receives $55,000 per academic year.
They also receive allowances for medical insurance premiums, relocation, and travel. The postdoctoral fellow will receive an office in the National Gallery's East Building as well as housing, as available. Applications: a proposed topic for a predoctoral seminar a proposed topic for a university course a copy of an article or book chapter three letters of recommendation After a preliminary selection, several candidates will be invited to Washington in January 2025 for interviews.
Applications are due on October 15, 2024, by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Contact: If you have questions about our fellowship program that aren't included in our FAQs, please email ******.