Total public members: 12
Method of Appointment: Appointed by Mayor,one of whom shall not be a lawyer.
Length of Appointment: 3 years
Residency: District residency required
Paid board: No (all roles are voluntary)
Description: The Commission shall advocate on behalf of persons with disabilities and their families to promote inclusive communities and service delivery systems and to provide opportunities for public input, outreach, and education. The Commission serves as an advisory body to inform and advise the District on programs. services, facilities, and activities that impact the lives of residents with disabilities in the District of Columbia.
Commission membership: The Commission shall consist of a minimum of twelve (12) and a maximum of fifteen (15) members representing the general public, who are appointed by the Mayor.
Qualifications: Members shall have experience with or a demonstrated interest in issues that impact persons with disabilities. Commission members shall be District residents and may include representation from the following communities: persons with disabilities; representatives or the District of Columbia business community; representatives of the service provider community who serve persons with disabilities in the District; representatives of advocacy organizations who serve person with disabilities in the District; and other individuals in the District who have a demonstrated interest in enhancing the self-determination, productivity, integration, and valued participation of people with disabilities in all facets of community life.
Time commitment: The Commission has monthly meetings; subcommittees meet as required to complete tasks.
If you are interested in an appointment to this board, please complete the appointment application. A member of our team will contact you to discuss the opportunity.